Thursday, May 22, 2008
Video 3: Geometry Defines Emotions
Perhaps the problems of old age are simply caused by the body's problems coping with the corrupted geometries of its emotions.
My emotions improve when I focus on beautiful geometries. This reminds me of a quick conversation I had with my mother late in her life. I noticed she was crocheting and knitting. I asked her why. She said it calmed her emotions. By then she was a wise woman. In my childhood memories of her 30 years previously, I remember her as chronically angry. When I asked her about the knitting, that anger was gone. I am sure the knitting extended her life. It certainly helped her become happier. Her mind was focused on a beautiful geometry and her body was involved with her hand movements.
My own experience agrees with this. I have found that studying beautiful geometric figures not only calms me, it also helps me think more clearly, and it has cured long-standing problems I had with my knees.
This video explains the model I have created to explain these phenomena.
Suppose the model is correct. Perhaps aging is simply corruption of the geometry that defines our emotions. If that statement is correct, it suggests that, at any age, we can become youthful by repairing the geometry. If that is true, age need not define our strength, health, and quickness.
Age can give us the wisdom we need, without destroying our health and ability to move. It is worth a try.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Video 2: Emotions Matter To Your Health
Monday, May 19, 2008
An Investing Approach to Health
Use Multiple Asset Classes
October 8, 2006
Ric Edelman's Book, The Truth About Money, shows that successful investors choose a mixture of classes of investments. His analysis is cogent. The same argument applies amazingly well to healing. Similar to the stock market, the body's reactions are – in the short term – complex and unpredictable. Similar to the stock market, the body's long-term health is much more predictable. You can choose to be comfortable today. However, choosing the best herb, operation, doctor, medicine, drug... (you name it) for today is not the same as choosing to achieve long-term health. This is especially likely if you are looking at only one aspect of the body's health when you make your choice.
Mr. Edelman considers mutual funds in his book. He shows that a fund's performance last month tells you absolutely nothing about the fund's probable performance over the next 20 years. Likewise, choosing a drug, based on one test, one problem, and one drug-company's recommendation probably does nothing to help you achieve good health. Mr. Edelman's message is simple. He recommends we invest in reliable, profitable CLASSES of investments, rather than specific stocks. Even better, INVEST IN SEVERAL CLASSES. Times change and classes change their profitability with the times.
The analogy with health is perfect. Do you need exercise today? Great! Do it! However, you don't always need it. I am learning to invest in 15 classes of health-giving activities.
1) Walk. Walking is not sport. It is a natural invigorating exercise. Walking is therapy. This is true, to some extent, even if walking is painful.
2) Choose a sport. Define a goal within it, and work to achieve the goal. I choose to become a competitive tennis player. This has forced many changes in my body. For example, I can no longer afford the cancer in my brain, so it is gone.
3) Ensure your goals are appropriate. For example, choosing to be competitive at high-level tennis makes no sense if your bones and joints are fragile. You will injure yourself. Instead, you might choose a sport that is easier on joints, such as bicycling or swimming. Alternatively, you might choose to strengthen your bones and joints using your own methods. During this time you can play tennis at a safer level. Tennis has much to offer even at a safer level.
4) Watch for opportunities to have fun. Allocate time for them. Demand that all your recreational activities be fun. In my life, if I find myself habitually doing something that is no longer fun, there is always someone else saying that I should enjoy the activity. If you don't enjoy the activity, eliminate it. If other people want you to do it, that is their problem, not yours. Perhaps you would have enjoyed it if they had helped make it fun for you.
5) Use partnership. A partner is especially helpful when you are intuitive. Ask your partner to corroborate your intuitive conclusions. Provide the same service to him/her.
6) Consider yourself, the spirit (soul), a partner with your body. Partners listen and talk to each other. Listen to your body. Above all, treat your body with respect. Speaking as though you control your body is not a respectful way to treat a partner. If you speak as though you can control your body, expect it to ignore your needs; expect to have health issues that you cannot solve.
7) Take care of your bones. Eat food that feeds them properly, and ensure that your digestion completes the job. Osteoporosis is almost always due to poor nutrition. Misaligned bones hurt, and often the problem is easily solved. Get help from a good chiropractor or use the NST technique to realign them yourself. The body is designed to heal bones and joints. The problem should not recur. Unless you have had some recent accident, continuing misalignments are always due to parasite colonies. Remove the parasite colony.
8) Take care of your skin. Your skin is your home. It is the largest organ in your body, and it plays an enormous role in keeping you strong. Deeply wrinkled, tough skin is a guarantee of health problems.
9) Use some method, such as EFT, to use the power of your acupuncture meridians to help.
10) Use a powerful set of symbols when you need external help with a health problem. Humans have always made symbols. Make your own. I create mine with a computer program called Inkscape. You can download it free on the Internet. Symbols provide services in several asset classes:
A diagnosis: where are the opportunities to help?
B The drawings include complex symmetries. The symmetries are the language you and the body will use when creating the agreement about what help is requested.
C Colors can be used when viewing the symbols. Colors define the mood associated with the agreement, thus defining the territory where the agreement is stored.
D Strong symbols connect you to multiple, strong energy sources.
E Avoid corrupt symbols. In case of doubt, spend a little time with it. Are you calmed? Are you stronger? Are you better off? Or are you making excuses? If you are making excuses, eliminate the symbol.
11) Healing progresses in stages. Give it time, but demand progress. Do not be patient. Focus on your item of highest priority. Give its solution the required time while testing for progress as you work on it. Once that solution is achieved it is time to move on. This is not patience, it is active partnership. Patient people wait until they die. Active people work effectively toward long-term goals.
12) Accept the willing offers of love from your world, from people, from house plants, from trees, from the household machinery you depend on. Give thanks for these gifts. You will get more of them, and the givers will be grateful. Like you, they also wish to be useful.
13) Use music
14) Identify your addictions and stop them. An addiction is an activity which takes control of your consciousness and leaves no room for quiet and creative thought. It is useful to ask, after you spend your time doing something, if you are better off as a result. If your answer sounds like an excuse, it is time to either remove that activity or redefine its value. I usually discover I am better off without it.
15) Do you react to health problems with fear? Don't waste your time. Fear makes no sense in this context. Why be frightened? At worst, you will die. That is it. You were brought here to be a blessing. A threat to your health is a threat to your ability to bless others with your active, happy, inspiring presence. Your world needs you healthy. It is time to get busy, to get intuitive, and to find the right things to do. Then do them. Each of them is an experiment. If it succeeds, that is good. If it fails, however, you will learn a lot more than you will if it succeeds. You learn fastest by making mistakes. Keep experimenting. You will know when you succeed.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Partnership, Listening and Health
E. E. Cummings
Listening is establishing a partnership with your body that allows you and your body to exchange far more information than you can now. In this partnership your body will trust you to listen, understand, and react appropriately to the information it gives you. At first the body will give you only a little information. If you then use this information in a way that helps the body, the body will give you more the next time you ask. Your role is to experiment. Your role is to find ways of responding that will help. When you succeed, the body is encouraged to share more information with you.
The body's role in this partnership is to become a far more effective manager of your health. Let's be more specific. Your body manages your health based on its understanding of your wishes. As you live past the age of reproduction, more and more, the body stands back and allows you to deteriorate. We call that aging. We expect it. As a full partner, your body will bring you back to your youth. Well, not exactly. Richard in his youth had diabetes and damaged heart, liver and kidneys. At this writing he isn't satisfied with that. He wants better. Perhaps it would be better to say your body's role will be to bring your health to what you wish it had been during your youth.
Partnerships do not pop up suddenly out of nowhere. They are built. They are based on trust. Trust between partners is built slowly. There is no fast way to build trust. Partners understand that the other member does sometimes make mistakes. We all know that humans sometimes make mistakes. Bodies do too. My body will allow me to “tell on” it. A few evenings ago, during a 4-hour tennis match in 95-degree temperatures, my hormones went crazy. That wasn't supposed to happen. My game sure deteriorated. I lost the match. The body realized it had work to do. I went quickly home, did a session with symbols, and the body solved the problem while I slept. High temperature tennis workouts uncover a lot of problems. This one sure didn't feel good while it was happening. The body could only solve it after it happened, so it was necessary.
It takes time to build the trust in a partnership. You already have a secure partnership with your body, but, if you are normal, there isn't much exchange of information. If you want to increase the information flow, do five things:
1 Express that you want more information to improve your health.
2 Take the time to receive the information, and check that your partner agrees you got it right. Remember, there are a lot of communities within your body. Be sure the community that sent you the information is the one you want to deal with: the one you call partner. Tumors have been communities in my body also, but I generally didn't act on the advice they gave.
3 Act on the information.
4 Observe the results.
5 Learn from the results. Decide, with input from your body, whether your actions improved your health.
You and your body both learn from experience. The more experience you have working with each other, the easier communication becomes. At first it is difficult, slow and confusing. Nevertheless, it is always possible. As time goes on, communication becomes routine. You and your partner become friends. You and your partner can become more adventuresome. Trusted partners can safely do things that untrusted partners would not - and should not - do.
The word, "know," is crucial. When you and your partner communicate well, you can "know" something about yourself that most people cannot comprehend. You probably can't explain it. If this information is the body's own private information, it is likely you have no words to express it in detail. After all, the body does not use words. However, the body certainly has the right to express it and communicate it to you. The body is the ultimate authority about your health. It can be trusted. Only people who trust their bodies will heal.
Don't kid yourself about safety, however. Build your trust slowly in small steps. The advice of a medical professional is always useful.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Bees, CCD and the earth's magnetic field
There is another possible cause for colony collapse disorder. There are fatty cells in the honeybee abdomen that contain magnetite. Presumably, this allows the honeybee to sense and use the earth's magnetic field. I assume they use the field to orient themselves. What happens if the earth's magnetic field changes suddenly? That is happening today. The earth's magnetic field is changing more rapidly now than it has ever changed before during our lifetimes. Scientists wonder if the field is preparing for a major shift. If the field gets weaker near the hive, do bees get lost? I understand that human cells in the pineal gland contain magnetite. What happens to us when the magnetic field changes? Thanks for your interesting contributions.
results from 2005
So far, our experience in healing is primarily our own. If we use Dr. Clark's own requirement that the first book should wait until we have formally helped 100 people, we are not yet qualified to publish a book.
However, my wife and I can speak with authority about ourselves and a small number of friends. Let me use myself as an example. I have recovered from senile dementia, childhood-onset diabetes, weak heart, osteoporosis, fatty liver, multiple sclerosis, and cancer in many places (including pancreas, brain and lung) to cite a few problems. Since my energy has returned to its levels of 20+ years ago, I have returned to teaching. I teach the basic physics course at a local college, and I am exploring full-time positions as a physics professor. I am learning tennis. I will become competitive in this game. By the time I am 70, I plan to be good enough to develop a reputation.
Here are some results, based on our experience.
Include frequencies for mycobacterium bovis when working with someone with symptoms of consumption (TB), such as productive cough, chronic weakness, frequent fevers, but poor accountability for why the fevers are happening. All the other major mycobacteria are included in
published materials, but this one is missing.
The location of the electrodes when zapping makes an enormous difference in the effectiveness of the zap. The best location is one that covers the entire body. Do not use the electrodes to select any particular location. There is a good theoretical argument for this. A physicist explains it with the Doppler Effect and the uncertainty principle. The more tightly you define the position of the zappable, the more uncertainty there is in its momentum. An uncertain momentum is equivalent to an uncertain velocity. If the zappable has a high velocity, the frequency received by the zappable is changed. The higher the velocity, the more the frequency is shifted. The Dopper-shifted frequency will probably miss the frequency that kills the zappable. Therefore DON'T localize the location of the
zappable with your electrodes.
I disapprove of the change of the zapper into a tens unit. Dr. Robert O. Becker, in his books, distinguishes between high, medium and low current when discussing using external electrical sources with the living beings. The only safe electrical contact is low current. The original minifrequency generator was safe. The new one, which is designed to deliver a higher power, is unsafe.
I suspect the burns we experienced when we used the first minifrequency generator are due to the high frequency noise produced by the DDS (digital) method of producing the frequencies. We now use a professional DDS signal generator with a good quality low-pass filter to eliminate the DDS noise. Burns no longer happen.
It really improves the effectiveness of our healing if we have accurate, complete information before we start. Lack of information is characteristic of cancer and osteoperosis, as well as other problems. Therefore there is a big payoff to spending time before the session ensuring that the client and the person helping can both receive good information. I find these issues, involving the
effectiveness of intuition, are best addressed with methods such as Pranic Healing and /or EFT. We are sensitive to the need to begin sessions with one or more of these "intuition-enhancing" methods.
Sometimes we use them in the middle of a session.
The same information source that helps with zapping, also provides the information needed for NST adjustments (The Tom Bowen technique) of the spine, pelvis, and jaw. Sometimes an adjustment is the most important help a person needs. This is not trivial. I have personally watched an NST adjustment save someone's life.
Tuberculosis is interesting. The disease is caused by bacteria. The body's own immune system is designed to destroy these bacteria. Assume the client's immune system is functioning properly. Why isn't the client's body destroying these bacteria? I suggest that the immune system can not attack these bacteria because they claim a privileged relationship with the client. This is both good and bad for these new 'members' of the family. The client can enormously improve the effectiveness of the zap session by doing a sort of dance while zapping. The dance includes movements which express the client's intent to destroy these new 'parts' of the body. The client might visualize and chew on, twist, squash, hit, tear, throw or smash them. I have a friend who loves to chop them up and throw the pieces all over the room. The movements are limited, of course, since the client is connected to plates with wires. The client's own intentions are probably more important than the details of the movements. After all, these bacteria have placed themselves within the control of the client. According to the bacteria, they are 'owned' by the client. The client now has absolute rights with regard to these bacteria. If the client clearly expresses the intention to destroy them, their primary defense has turned into their principle disaster. Rapid cure is inevitable. When a new client uses such methods, the primary worry is their body's ability to deal with the waste products.
Tapeworms provide an important, although temporary, service. Tapeworms are alive. They are not zappables. They cannot be killed directly with frequencies. They eat many infectious zappables, such as bacteria. The bacteria inside the tapeworm are no longer infectious for us; that is, the bacteria don't make us sick if a tapeworm eats them. Unfortunately, the service comes at a price. The infectious agents will very likely multiply freely inside the tapeworm, eventually producing offspring that can be released into the body, where they do cause disease. Not only that, but the tapeworms themselves can be a nuisance. However, frequencies can be used to destroy them. Like any living part of our body, tapeworms can be selected with frequencies. Selecting the tapeworm does not hurt it. Once frequencies have selected the tapeworm, the client can kill the zappables inside the tapeworm. Suppose the client has done this. The infectious entities inside the tapeworm are now dead. They begin to rot. The tapeworm has no way to eliminate them. The tapeworm literally rots from the inside. This is the only way we have found to reliably eliminate them from our bodies. However, once they are gone, we have lost the 'buffer' we used to have, which quickly ate up crawl-outs. When the tapeworms are gone, we react to crawl-outs quickly. My wife's tuberculosis is an example: it happened suddenly after we killed several large tapeworms. Note that tapeworm eggs at different stages in the life cycle are selected by different frequencies.
Some chronic bone, joint, and cartilage problems are created by a phoma, which is easily killed by smelling paradichlorobenzene mothballs, while expressing the intention of killing the phoma with a dance. This phoma is often associated with osteoporosis.
There is an important distinction missing in the frequency-healing community. This distinction is needed to clarify the issue of safety when using frequencies.. Some entities, like humans, are truly alive. They can not be killed by frequencies. However, specific areas of our bodies can be selected by frequencies. This does not hurt us. The slides used during plate zapping perform this service. Other entities, zappables, are killed by frequencies. Zappables are not alive. A zappable is a machine which have been endowed with life-like properties. Frequencies carry this pseudo-life. When we expose a zappable to these frequencies, we overload the mechanism that delivers
the frequencies to the zappable. The overloaded mechanism stops working, and the zappable reverts to an inert machine. These frequencies are typically in the range of 40 MHz to 160 MHz. The frequency, which anyone can 'hear', is often defined to very high accuracy: 1 part in 1012 or better. Limiting the frequency range of a frequency generator to below 1 MHz does not provide safety. Limiting its current provides safety. With the limited frequency range, the generator can only provide harmonics of the correct frequency, harmonics that are less powerful than the original frequency. Frequency generators with accuracy of 1:1012and this frequencies up to 160 MHz are only now becoming available on the commercial market.
These paragraphs summarize last year's work. I hope you find them interesting.
Christmas: What Are We Celebrating?
We say we are celebrating the birth of Christ. But that story is about something that happened more than 1000 years ago. So what? As a physicist, I wonder if these ideas of good, evil and redemption have any connection with our understanding of the universe we live in. I believe they do, and I will explain the basis for my belief here.
Let's start with the physics. By now physics accepts that the speed of light is the ultimate speed limit. Nothing goes faster than that. We on earth are essentially isolated from other stars and whatever planets they may have. Time is the barrier. Suppose the inhabitants of some planet on a distant star decide to send us a message. It will take so long for the signal to reach us from them that neither we nor they will still be alive when their signal arrives here, or our answer reaches them. There is simplicity and freedom in that. The universe is unbelievably complicated. Fortunately, the speed of light and the great distances between our planet and the rest of the universe provides an impenetrable wall. We don't have to care about all that complexity.
Or do we? There are always stories about miraculous healing, about people who seem to “know” things about people who are not present, about ideas which seem to come from nowhere at just the right time. By now studies in epigenetics have produced well-documented examples of these phenomena. For example, professional energy healers modified the brain waves of the people who received the healing without physically touching them. Does the speed of light have anything to do with such events? Are these events consistent with physics as we understand it? Physics is about understanding our universe. These events happen. In our private lives, we take all that for granted. Even physicists do. If physics wants to pretend such events do not exist, it is hiding from reality. If it is there, physics must make sense of it. Do these events violate the limitation of the speed of light?
Recent experiments within physics have raised this question. Physicists are experimenting with “entanglement.” As always, they find the simplest possible way to demonstrate the phenomenon. Suppose, during an experiment, a pair of particles, an electron and an anti-electron, are created. The two particles fly off. Perhaps the electron happily becomes part of some complicated molecule buried deep under a mountain while the anti-electron travels great distances in empty space for billions of years. Those two particles are very far apart. Now suppose the anti-electron comes in contact with an ordinary electron and, in a flash, it annihilates. According to the laws of the universe, both the electron and its partner live and die together. The laws do not allow only one of them to exist. The numbers do not add up. Therefore the electron, wherever it is, must disappear when its partner annihilated. How does the electron know? Is the information carried by light? Recent experiments have demonstrated that the partner electron does disappear, and that it disappears before light has time to reach it. We say the two particles are entangled.
In more theoretical areas, physicists ask questions about the most fundamental building blocks of the universe. These theories consistently find that there must be dimensions beyond the ones we see with our eyes. However there is disagreement about how many such dimensions there are or what they “are.” Does the limitation of the speed of light apply to these other dimensions?
I suggest that there is a direct connection between these ideas and Christmas. In other words, these theoretical ideas apply directly to humans. I propose that the concept of evil corresponds directly with the entanglement that the physicists have demonstrated. The Buddhist concept of karma fits entanglement very well, and virtually all alternative healing methods acknowledge the importance of eliminating memories of terror and trauma remaining from previous lives. The CDC has actually published the statement that disease is 80% due to remembered trauma.
We take for granted that, as people age, it is inevitable that they will gradually weaken and die. Virtually all religions that our immortal souls come to our lives with a task. They disagree about the tasks, however. Let us accept that we agreed to do a task. We also have loving memories of those who, having finished their tasks, quickly died. The beauty and purity of the young enchant all of us. We say they are youthful. Suppose quantum entanglement causes the weakening associated with age. Our universe understands we need a certain amount of time to mature and raise our children. It gives us this. The young are generally healthy. However, after this time has gone, we are all confronted with the entanglements, the memories, fears, and anger about the past. The website, provides a good example of a well-qualified physician who discovered that he could cure his own cancer and the cancers of others by eliminating the stress associated with past trauma. He found he could cure his own prostate cancer by letting go of his grief over the death of his 17-year old son. A professional oncologist, he used the same methods to heal his patients. The ancient concept of karma applies perfectly here. I propose that karma is just another word for quantum entanglement.
If we take this hint seriously, it suggests that living indefinitely requires that we become sensitive to these entanglements and we systematically eliminate them. The universe cannot do this for us. We are the only ones who can. The universe can only present them to us in the gentlest possible fashion. However, it is up to us to resolve them. Forgiveness is key.
Surrender is another key word. Individualism is the great American ethic. However, our bodies are designed to keep us healthy. They know how. Therefore it is not appropriate for us to argue that, as we age, the body has failed to keep us healthy. It makes no sense for us to act as though we can single-handedly control our health. The body knows what is right and appropriate. In the presence of the ancient entanglements, the body cannot – will not – remain healthy. I suggest that we surrender the idea that we can totally control our lives. In its place, I suggest a point of view that emphasizes partnership: partnership with our bodies, with each other, and with the universe. If we can offer to our bodies the unique services that we can provide as a partner, our bodies can do an extraordinary job of helping us recover our health and achieve our goals.
What matters to you? I propose that the dimensions postulated at the basis of the quantum universe are simply the ways of connecting together all the most important parts of your life: your loves, your expectations, your fears, your pleasures, your relationships, your habits, and so on. Imagine the complexity of the geometry that you and your body have constructed! As a baby and a youth, this geometry is virtually perfect. However, as you age, the lines begin to warp, the angles begin to move, and the geometry loses its perfection. We experience this as weakness and disease. The ancient traumas corrupt this perfect geometry. Once the traumas are gone, your task is to repair your own geometry. I studied complex geometrical drawings. Others do it by producing music, dancing, or doing something deeply healing.
I suggest that Christmas is about the birth of Christ. This is the birth of our sacred partnerships with our bodies and with the universe. This is worth celebrating. The universe has a lot to offer. Walking on water is only the beginning. How about immunity from disease? How about athleticism at age 120? How about becoming a professional tennis player at age 85? How starting two new businesses at age 73?
Does that sound absurd? Just watch the people who are doing it now! How about you? Are you ready to celebrate?
Creating My Master Clock
Tennis is a demanding taskmaster. Tennis has forced me to become conscious of my internal clocks. All through my childhood my clocks were slow. When all the other school children ran and played in the school yard, I stood near the teachers and watched. I wasn't bored. Occasionally I would ask why a particular child did something interesting. In my 20's, I took up long, slow, long-distance running and bicycling. My slow childhood lasted for 65 years.
I took up tennis at age 65. Tennis has taught me to watch my clocks. Electronic devices have internal clocks. Humans are electronic devices. Therefore humans use internal clocks. The speed with which I respond is defined by the speed of my clocks. For example, the rate at which my heart beats is determined by a clock. My sleep cycle runs on a clock, the “it is time to eat” signal came from a clock, the “I have talked enough; now it is time to listen” signal comes from a clock, and so on. Have you ever wondered if the people who talk incessantly have turned off their “It is time to listen now” clock?
There are many clocks in our bodies. All of them are driven by the fastest internal clock. I call this my master clock. This must be fastest clock in my body, since all the other clocks operate by counting pulses from it. If the reference clock slows down, all the internal clocks slow down with it. Sports that demand a quick response test the speed of my master clock, since it is the only one fast enough to provide the quick signal I need. I notice that the athletes who perform best are always young, typically in their teens or twenties. As these athletes age, their clocks slow. In their 40's, they are are just as strong as they were in their twenties. However, they are slower. They can no longer keep up with the pace the youngsters demand. Perhaps only one clock has slowed: the master clock. Since that clock has slowed, all the others must slow also. That simplifies the problem I must solve. All I need to do is create a healthy master clock. Once I do that, all the other clocks will pick up speed.
My master clock has always been slow. I bet, as a baby, I even cried slowly. Now I am speeding up that clock. I am 67 years old. At age 60 I became senile and retired. I tell people I remember being senile. My wife contradicts me. She says she is the only one of us who remembers it. I never argue with my wife. Well, hardly ever. I observe the same symptoms in some of my friends: they don't remember their phone numbers. I remember being unable to talk easily; I couldn't remember the words. I could barely count to 9; counting to 12 was impossible.
After retirement I cured myself. I now teach physics in a college. Teaching requires intelligence, memory, and sensitivity to others. However, it does not require raw speed.
I decided to learn tennis. When a tennis player starts a point, he or she stands behind the back line of the court and hits the ball toward the opponent. This hit is called “the serve.” I have learned to serve quite well. I don't need a fast clock to do it. I use a long, big swing, and I watch the ball carefully. I have always enjoyed dancing, and the serve is a fascinating dance. I can do it slowly. Although my movements are slow, my serve produces a speedy ball. The ball I serve moves too fast for my eyes to follow. If I were my opponent, I doubt that I could return that ball. The opponents who do return it are younger than me.
However, when they serve to me, I have a real problem. First they hit the ball, and then the ball is upon me. That's it! It is like looking at a movie in which the frames are shot so slowly that the photographs miss much of the motion.
I started focussing on clocks a little less than a year ago. I noticed I could follow fast balls easily when I first arrive at the tennis court. Unfortunately, this happy condition lasted only for a few minutes. The longer I played, the more difficult it became to follow a fast-moving ball. My playing deteriorated. Something in me was getting tired. Strangely, I didn't feel physically tired. I could run just as fast as I ran when I started. However, my head began to hurt, and I couldn't follow the ball. I have read that some researchers have decided that Alzheimer's is a condition of insulin resistance. That conclusion fits my experience. I concluded that the cells in my master clock had become resistant to insulin. Since insulin is required to use the the energy source in my bloodstream (glucose), my master clock got tired quickly. It ran out of energy and slowed down. It could only replenish its energy slowly. I noticed that playing for more than an hour produced a kind of tiredness that felt acutely painful. Yet I was not physically tired! I did want to close my eyes, though.
Therefore I conclude that I had Alzheimer's. Recently I have noticed that my playing no longer deteriorates as I play. I improve as I play. However, my performance starts out terribly. At first I can't see the ball at all. I conclude that my body is replacing the damaged cells in my master clock, and it is trying to figure out how to reconnect the circuits. When I start playing, I have a very slow clock. As I play the body kludges something together, and my clock speed improves. We work together, and I become a better tennis player.
That's what I want.
Is Energy Healing Enough?
1 where we have an agreement in which I am paid an acceptable amount for my work, and
2 where I can serve as a role model to show them that certain goals are achievable.
Outside my teaching job at Trident, this almost never happens. I find that almost everybody wants to be comfortable, and almost nobody truly wants cure. Cure is painful. Cure requires facing and forgiving the original trauma. It is only when this terrifying stuff becomes irrelevant that people heal. People don't want to bring this stuff up. But unless they do, they will suffer increasingly as they age. The suffering is a symptom, the body's own reminder that the emotional baggage cannot be carried indefinitely. By now Elly and I do energy healing on each other pretty frequently, so we are good at it. Yet we both know energy healing
1 makes us more comfortable, and
2 doesn't heal the problem.
As we have become more expert at healing, we do less of it for others. We serve best as examples: healing is possible!
What Are Humans For?
Much of today's “news” focusses on the “ain't it awful” side of things. These stories leave us wondering if our world would be better without humans. Our world has lived without humans for almost all of its history. Is there anything that we can say about this that has some scientific foundation? I believe there is, and I will discuss it in the following paragraphs.
To start with, I believe there are many who use their version of “The Theory of Evolution” to argue that humans are, effectively, an accident, a mistake. Let me explain. These folks tell us that we must believe that evolution is completely explained as a matter of random changes in the genome. It is true that a favorable change in the genetics of a child leave that child more likely to survive and reproduce than the parents. However, building an entire theory of genetics on that point seems, to me, to be stretching the point. Their argument, as I understand it, is that somehow they have proved that changes that produced the human from a more primitive mammal are random. I question the logic of this proof. There isn't any convincing logic that I can see.
Humans are certainly good at surviving. Our earth now is supporting more humans on its surface than it ever has before. Not only that, but we humans are busily creating lives in an unbelievable variety of environments. Some have been in orbit around the earth. A few have gone to the moon. Some humans study penguins in Antarctica. Personally, I like South Carolina.
There is one difficulty with this evolution-is-totally-random theory. It doesn't work. As humans have learned more about genetics, it has become clear just how many decisions are required to change, for example, a 4-legged animal like a raccoon into a human. We are familiar with the rate of genetic changes that occur in nature. Agricultural research, indeed, all of our agricultural productivity, depends on our understanding of this timetable. The time required to produce that many genetic changes in the human genome randomly is far, far, far longer than the age of the earth. The discrepancy is huge. The theory is wrong. There just hasn't been enough time for it to happen. The universe isn't old enough.
Therefore humans are not produced by accident. There is no real disagreement about this among the people who study human genetics. Suppose we are not an accident. If we are not an accident, we must have been created for some purpose. There must be some purpose to our existence. What is the purpose? Do we have any hints about this purpose?
There are hints. One hint is the most unique part of the human body: the brain. No one understands this amazing organ. The human brain is demanding. Consider your own brain. It requires more than ¾ of all the oxygen you breathe. No other animal has such a demanding brain. Look at the salamander, a more typical animal. In the salamander the brain is so simple that, if its brain is removed surgically, the animal will simply grow another one. That doesn't work in a human. Perhaps you have noticed.
If, as you age, your lungs deteriorate, your ability to think will deteriorate. Your brain just isn't getting enough oxygen. I am 67 years old. I experienced this deterioration as I aged. It is only recently that I have begun to reverse this trend and recover my clarity of thought. It is much more fun this way.
What does the brain do with all this oxygen? No other animal has such a demanding brain. The whale and the elephant have large brains. But these animals are enormously bigger than a human. Compared to their size, their brains are much smaller than the human brain. They are certainly less demanding. Why is the human brain so big and so demanding?
What is the brain good at? The brain is good at learning, The brain is good at learning from experience. The brain is especially good at learning from mistakes.
I propose that the human role is to become God. We have been granted unique equipment for the task. No other animal has such a demanding, questioning, probing brain. Becoming God is a task worthy of such a wonderful tool. Perhaps this wonderful wonderful universe was created with the hope that some creature within it could become God. This creature could go beyond the original understanding behind the Creation. That is our job.
I can propose some suggestions. First, being God requires great wisdom. Such wisdom requires time: time to experiment, time to discover if the experiment worked, time to make mistakes, time to learn from those mistakes, time to try again, and time to experience the results of your improved understanding. Our current lifespan is too short for this. By the time a human has made a few mistakes they are more than 60 years old. In my 60 years, I have been a college professor and an engineer. That just isn't enough time to develop the wisdom I need. I haven't had enough time to learn from my mistakes.
In our present world, a 60-year-old human is waiting to die. They are finished learning. Perhaps you will dispute me on this point. Good. After all, I am older than 60, and I am writing this article. Therefore I contradict my own argument. Well, maybe I do, and maybe I don't. Suppose, I, alone succeed in becoming immortal. Suppose, I, alone, learn how to live forever, while everyone else in the world goes on with their short lives. Sorry, folks. I can't do it alone. It is not my job. It is OUR job.
With our present lifespan we cannot achieve the goal for which we were created. God's wisdom takes longer than 60 years to develop.
It is true that human lifespan is lengthening. There was a time, not so long ago, when lives were so short that the problem was keeping the mother alive long enough to raise her children. If the man died first, it was less of a problem. It is not surprising that women outlive men. However, in our present context, we need a lifespan enormously beyond child-rearing time. It is important that we succeed in raising our children. But we share that wish with every other life on this planet. We share it with an oak tree. We share it with a bear. That wish is not unique. What about us is unique?
I suggest that immortality – or at least a greatly expanded lifetime - is a requirement for humans to begin to move toward the purpose for which they were created.
Emergencies and Dr. Hamer's New Medicine
Some reflections about emergencies
Life is short. Death comes too soon. As we age, we get weaker. Eventually we must die. Are any of these statements true? We take them for granted, except, maybe in church. The statements certainly fit the life most humans expect. Are they true? Statistically they must be. Most people live a typical lifespan. However there are legends of individuals who lived to a very old age. In fact many do so today. Suppose there were some people who, 1000 years ago, knew how to be immortal. They would have had to be skillful at hiding their age. They would have had plenty of time to learn the skill. I imagine someone like that lecturing someone else about what they “should” be thinking about when they discuss their health. It sounds like a good way to annoy the other person. However, immortal people would not have much difficulty hiding their age. It was effectively impossible to determine someone's age unless you knew them as a child. Some people were expected to travel. Suppose their bodies did not look old. If the people in one community knew them as very old, they could simply go somewhere else where they were not known, make up a comfortable vague answer about their past, and poof! they were young again. Nowadays, with DNA tracing, they couldn't get away with that. They would have to admit being immortal.
Today we hear speculations about the possibility of immortality for all of us. I can't imagine anyone wanting immortality if we continued to deteriorate as we age. What we look like at age 200? If the body is designed to heal us, perhaps the first mystery is why it can't keep us young as we age. Sometimes I wonder if the answer is simply that we already know it can't. As Henry Ford said, “If you know you can or you know you can't, you are probably right.” Well, if you know you can't live to age one hundred, you are probably right. On the other hand, perhaps you have known people who in fact did not weaken and die of disease. They simply died. Their bodies didn't wear out. They turned themselves off.
Dr. Hamer, the creator of New German Medicine, has created an understanding of disease that appeals to me. Let me explain my own version. I suspect the ideas he has expressed are, in fact, ancient. Generally, the young are healthy. We take that for granted. Deterioration takes place as we age. Yet, we know the body's job is to keep us healthy. It seems to do this job better when we are young than when we are old. Why? Let me offer an explanation based on my experience.
Suppose that, in the presence of an urgent situation you decide to neglect an essential activity. For instance, you might be too busy caring for others to spend time reflecting, imagining, dreaming, and caring for yourself. Although the body requires a certain minimum level of this activity, you may feel unwilling to provide it. Suppose you learned how to do this particular activity from a simpler organism: a virus, bacteria, or flatworm. In order to take care of your needs, you invite into your body a community of these organisms to take care of it for you. One simple way to do this is to shut down your immune system in the neighborhood of this community. You might even persuade your own immune system to help protect the community, since it is providing your body with an essential service. Although there are consequences to handing over this task to a simpler organism, they may be preferable to neglecting some outside-world “emergency” like your job, your wife, or your children.
Eventually we may feel that the outside-world situation has eased and we are ready to return to “normal.” Here is the problem: you ARE normal. Your body simply is. It has no supervisor. Its habits create it. It has no memory. Suppose you asked a community to help you when you were busy raising your twins. Well, now they are both married, and you are free to return to the writing poetry and drawing with charcoal that you loved as a young student. I remember falling in love with physics theory as a young college student. Later, as a college professor, I became so preoccupied with family and “life” that I literally forgot how to think that way. I eventually became senile. Did my body remember how to love physics theory? In my case the answer was NO. I last did this more than 40 years ago. In fact my brain seems to get tired if I attempt to do it for any length of time. Perhaps the diabetes I carried for so many years has left me with an insulin resistance that makes it difficult for my brain to absorb energy quickly from the bloodstream. Perhaps your body has no memory of how to take care of itself without the community of organisms it invited in. The organisms I invited in did not seem willing to develop new physics models of the universe. I decided to return to my own brain. They were willing to leave, but they doubted (and still doubt) my ability to function without them. In fact, as a cooperative neighbor, this community may simply be waiting for the opportunity to withdraw. It may be happy to leave you, as long as it is convinced it is the right thing to do. Are you capable of doing the job yourself? If you have been living in this emergency for the last 40 years, however, your body has probably forgotten how to be independent. What do you do now?
The first answer is another question: what do you want to do? As a child you wanted to grow up and contribute to the world as an adult. Your body cooperated and provided the body you asked for. As a mature adult, what are you asking for now? Are you asking for the opportunity to slow down, deteriorate and die? I assure you your body is capable of providing that. It isn't much fun though. I suggest you ask for the ability to contribute in a way that will be fun and will challenge your body. Above all look for something that you see as worth doing. Look for something you will be proud to be. Many people are reluctant to do this, but that does not make it impossible. It only makes it impossible for them. They have invented the “emergency” that stops them. Well, it is their emergency. They have that right. I suggest you ask.
Suppose you do ask. I decided to rebuild my brain and nervous system and cure the diabetes. The project is still in process. The diabetes has been gone for several years now, but the tiredness of the brain and eyes still speaks of insulin resistance.
A more fundamental question appears: where does the information come from that the body needs in order to satisfy the challenge? After all, the body has no supervisor. Normal is your present habits. How does your body know what to change into? The question is a good one. Yet you answered it as a child. Where did the answers come from then? You are still that same person. Have the answers disappeared simply because you are mature? I doubt it. You have those answers, just as you had them as a child. Are you willing to ask for them again? As the mature adult, with a lifetime of experience, you now have the opportunity to approach the possibility with a wisdom and maturity that would be the envy of any child. I suggest you take advantage of the opportunity.
A Radical Idea About Health
A Definition of the Word, Health
A conversation about my right arm
It is common for tennis players to describe their sport as life-saving. At age 67, I have been playing tennis for a little over one year. Recently I began to compete in the U S Tennis Association (USTA) tournaments. Until today I have always lost. Today my doubles team won. That was nice. The story has some interesting aspects.
I am a right-hander. When my health began to deteriorate dramatically 15 years ago, I developed marked carpal tunnel syndrome in my right wrist. The pain never went away. In fact, although reduced, the pain is still there. I did not ask a medical professional to treat it. I understand that, short of surgery, there isn't much a professional can do.
When my mental deterioration became obvious in the 1990's, my engineering work slowed dramatically. I grew to hate the activity, since analytical thinking had become so difficult. I retired. By this time, the shaking in my right hand had grown so obvious, I could not sign my name. I had to hold my right hand with the left if I wanted to write my phone number for someone else to read. In fact, by 1999, I always looked up the phone number up in my hip-pocket-notebook, since I could not remember it.
I cured myself of at least some of this condition. I now rarely need to hold my right hand with my left in order to write my phone number. I am proud that I now remember the number; I am grateful that the hip-pocket notebook is no longer needed. As my condition improved, I looked for opportunities. I now teach college physics.
More recently I took up tennis. I swing my tennis racket with my right arm. The palsied shaking of my right arm has been dramatic. For example, I have inadvertently let go of my tennis racket after serving the ball. Apparently I was unable to maintain a firm grip on the racket while swinging it. I broke one racket when it bounced on the ground after I hit a serve and let go of the racket. Today I threw my racket twice while competing. Last night at practice, I threw the racket twice also. Fortunately, the racket always lands on its handle, so it did not break. I have been unable to ensure that my grip remains firm while serving.
Tennis demands good coordination through the muscles of the legs, chest, the arm and the wrist holding the racket. Therefore my body's ability to successfully communicate with this arm and wrist are very important to me. Uncontrollable shaking of the arm and hand suggest a problem with communication or control – or both.
In practice sessions, I have developed some good stroke habits. Generally my playing in competition shows the benefit of my good strokes early in the competition, but deteriorates after 30 minutes.
These data suggest that my body has a problem communicating and controlling the right arm, wrist and hand. The pain in the right wrist also suggests a problem there. The deterioration over time during competing suggests that communication deteriorates during intense physical activity.
Today, as I played, my control seemed to improve. It did not deteriorate. This is unusual for me, so I noticed it. As I understand it, the body had negotiated a contract with the fluke community in the right arm. This contract had allowed me some communication, although it would deteriorate if I attempted to maintain it during intense physical activity for more than ½ hour. In addition, total rest for that arm was required for more than 24 hours after any sustained communication. Apparently, my practice last night, followed this morning by competition, broke the requirements of the contract.
Friends who share the complaint of carpal tunnel syndrome, have reported to me that their physicians have diagnosed bone cancer in their wrists. I have found, when questioning my body, that I cannot get reliable answers to questions involving the word, cancer. I suspect its meaning is poorly defined. However, Dr. Hulda Clark, in her first book, “The Cure For All Diseases,” associates all cancer with certain large parasites, such as the liver fluke. Since she can detect these parasites using frequencies, she focuses on them. If I ask about liver flukes, my body reports that I had them in the wrist. I am told that, 1 month ago, there were 2 in my right wrist and 2 in the large muscle in the forearm. If I ask about their presence today, I am told, “I may not ask.”
Although the fluke contract was no longer valid, the structure of that arm was not healthy. It was time to look at symbols to remind the body of the correct structure of the tissues at risk. I meditated with symbols 25 and 26 to help with muscle connective tissue. Then I meditated with symbols 79 and 80 to correct the deterioration in the “white” nervous tissue. I continued with symbol 141 to provide the correct structure for bone cells. About an hour later I decided to spend time with symbols 77 and 78 to help with muscle tissue.
Now the body can finish the job. Once the underlying structures are correct, the overall structure can be rebuilt as it should be: healthy. There will no longer be a demand for the parasites to call my attention to the problem. The symbols provide for us a definition of the word, “healthy.” If the body calls for study of a symbol, we know that the body has become sloppy about one aspect of its underlying geometry. It is “unhealthy.” The poor geometry then opens the door to the parasites which are sensitive to particular deviations from the ideal geometry. When the body is ready to correct its geometry, we are asked to look at the appropriate symbols. In fact, my understanding of the geometry of these drawings is the result of communication with the parasites. With their intimate knowledge of the geometrical defect that they inhabit, they are the ideal partners in defining the geometrical correction that is required.
Obviously, the complete description of the body's underlying structure is far too complex to be communicated by simple geometrical patterns. However, the fact that you are alive guarantees that your deviate only slightly from the ideal geometry. Even the parasites cannot survive on a structure that is too far from ideal.
What now? The body knows what the correct structures are. The parasites are no longer required. What happens to the parasites and the hopelessly defective tissue? After all, this probably would have been diagnosed as cancer. Cancer is a big deal. Does the body have to kill the parasites and carry everything away? Carrying away the defective tissue and all the parasites is a big job.
Wouldn't it be easier if they simply ceased to exist? That possibility probably sounds absurd to you. Yet there is a context, quantum physics, in which such situations always happen. We say that the state of an atom is the result of its history. (To the physics aficionado, we are referring to the Feynman history of states.) If that history changes, the atom's state is different. Is it possible for the body to change its history, and as a result, its present being? The answer is a qualified yes. Humans are designed to be self-defining. Our ideas about ourselves define us – to some extent. If they didn't, we would be machines, completely defined by the mechanical devices we were made from. In fact, it is insulting to consider the possibility that our ideas don't define us. I don't like being put in the category of some mechanical gadget that can be completely defined by its internal parts.
The key issue is the level of detail of our knowledge about the parasites. Has their existence been confirmed by laboratory test? Were they individually seen on some detector? Then they are history. They are real. They exist. They must be killed. The bodies must be carried away by the lymphatic system.
What about me? Have I asked personally asked questions about them before? No. Have there been lab tests? No. Have I looked for them? Actually, no. Then to what extent can I prove they a part of my body's history? I can ask that question. Here is my answer. It is a relief. I decide, they are only 3% provable. The rest, the 97%, the body can simply redefine by changing its history. That is a lot easier. Except for that tiny 3%, the body can simply change its history. That is a lot kinder to the parasites also. They've done their job; let them go on without being killed.
Is It Time To Replace the Germ Theory Of Disease?
These ideas as outmoded. They mattered 100 years ago. I suspect that the germ theory of disease is the primary tool we used to extend the human lifespan beyond 30 years. This theory assumes that the human body is a machine that must be protected from parasites (germs?). The theory leads to many good suggestions. For example, consider the example of cleanliness during childbirth. Before the germ theory was accepted it was common for mothers to die soon after giving birth. Now it is rare. If the attending physician washed his/her hands, more mothers survived. The statistics were obvious, and people realized they must be protected from “germs.” This helped us all realize the importance of protecting our bodies from external organisms.
The germ theory of disease has served us very well. As a result we now demand clean drinking water and proper treatment of sewage. We in the western world now have a lifespan far in excess of 30 years. There is evidence that lifespan continues to increase even today.
The theory has benefited us enormously. However, once we consider the chronic conditions of an aging population, there is reason to wonder whether there is something missing in it. In the United States we have the most expensive medical system in the world. However, we don't have the longest lifespan. Our lifespan is one of the shortest among the modern western nations. Why? Although our medicine is excellent during emergencies, it apparently does not help us solve chronic problems. For example, there is excellent evidence that cancer treatment does not extend the life of the patient. Other examples include the epidemic of obesity, diabetes, and the large number of people who die as the result of medical error. The dedicated medical profession deserves better results. Is nature attempting to show us something? Perhaps the germ theory of disease is being used in the wrong place, or perhaps it is incomplete. Would a revised version of it better serve us as we face the chronic problems of those who live beyond the age of bearing children?
We cannot simply declare that the germ theory of disease is wrong. This theory works perfectly where it is appropriate. However, I suggest that the chronic problems of an aging population may be better served from a different understanding of the role of all these “germs.”
It may seem strange that I ask the reader to question such a major building block of our world. Perhaps my background as a physics teacher has made me more willing to re-examine something we all “know.”.
As a physicist I am familiar with times in our history when new situations have demanded humans enlarge their ideas. Our understanding of light provides an excellent example. In the 1700's Isaac Newton considered light a stream of tiny balls. He imagined these little balls illuminating a surface as they hit it. Late in his life he saw experiments that forced him to accept that light was a wave. More than a century later, studies of electricity and magnetism showed that light was actually a wave of the fields associated with electricity and magnetism. However, during the 20th century Albert Einstein showed that light always traveled at the same speed. He was right, but the waves we are familiar with don't behave like that. In our experience waves travel in a medium. For example water waves travel on water. The speed of the water changes the speed of the waves. A light wave travels on - what? Our present answer seems to be: nothing. What kind of wave is that? Einstein was also involved with the quantum theory. When an atom absorbs light, the atom absorbs a particle. We call this particle a photon. But light is a wave, and waves don't have particles. How can there be a particle of a wave? That is nonsense. Worse yet, the energy carried by the photon depends on the frequency of the light. That also makes no sense. Particles don't have frequencies; only waves do. Do we understand light? Not really. I have noticed the world outside my classroom does not seem too upset about my confusion.
Our present-day world depends on the information we uncovered when we attempted to answer these puzzling questions. We may not understand what light is, but we have made wonderful use of the information we found as we chased the puzzle. Our engineering of light has produced spectacular results. This engineering is based on the discoveries of the physicists who bother their wives with impossible questions. We have the Hubble telescope, the Internet (which depends on the transmitting and receiving light signals all over the globe), lasers, and GPS, the global positioning system that so many of us depend on. Our engineering of light is not hampered by physicists who quibble about whether or not we “understand” it. We make good predictions that fit reality. So far these predictions agree with the most recent experiments physicists can think up. For example, the GPS system, with its constant communication between very accurate clocks on earth and in satellites, has become our best proof of Einstein's General Theory of Relativity. Isaac Newton's little balls could never have helped design these wonderful inventions. Chasing the truth has helped us create a world that Isaac Newton could never have imagined.
In physics we expand our ideas when good new experiments give us unexpected results that demand a new understanding. A new experiment, done all over the world, leaves us with no choice: the old theory can no longer account for the real world. The old theory must be replaced.
Progress happens when we ask good questions about whether a model fits reality. When reality changes it is time to re-examine our models. If the model stubbornly refuses to fit reality, it is time to revise our model. For the first time, we have a large population of people all over the globe who are living to great age. The germ theory of disease is a model that predicts people's inevitable death. No one knows if ultimately it will prove to be correct. The theory makes predictions. Do they fit reality?
The germ theory predicts that humans, like other mechanisms, must wear out. The purpose of medicine is to repair or replace the defective parts of the machine as the inevitable defects occur. Eventually the deterioration destroys the machine. That is, the individual dies. In other words, the germ theory requires the deterioration to eventually kill each of us. Modern western science is unable to use the word, “cure,” when discussing the chronic problems associated with aging. It speaks only of coping with them. A medical science based only on the germ theory cannot deal with the people who have cured themselves.
Yet there are many of these people. For the first time large numbers of people all over the globe are living to great age. As I understand the germ theory, it cannot accept this fact. Yet, when faced with an individual in his 70's who is more athletic than he ever was as a youth, the facts speak for themselves. This is the new experiment which will force us to re-examine this model. Certain individuals retain their health well beyond the years of child-bearing. While their friends and relatives age, weaken and die, these Individuals cure themselves of cancer, of senility, of lymphoma, of diabetes, and of heart disease. Instead of growing old and weak, their health improves. Ignoring these people doesn't make them go away. By now there are too many of them. You have the right to dismiss their healing as “miraculous.” However, all healing is a miracle. That's nice. However, calling it a miracle does not make it unreal. The model must be able to account for such people. You also have the right to learn from these folk and live a better life. Which choice do you make? I suggest you learn what they did and become the next miracle. I have cured myself of several of these “incurable” diseases. Ignoring me doesn't make me go away either.
Even death does not always follow the germ-theory rules. There are many stories of well-adjusted people who simply decide it is time to turn out the light. They peacefully die. You may remember someone who did that. That machine didn't wear out. It turned itself off. No one pretends that germs did that. We need a theory that can accept that also. The theory must also allow people to cure themselves. After all, many of us do that routinely. Better yet, is there a theory that can help all of us do that? There must be a model that allows for the possibility that you can decide for yourself whether to live or die. The germ theory can't do it.
There simply is more to a human being than a, “biological mechanism that must be protected from germs and other organisms.” Our understanding of this interaction is at the stage Newton was at when he thought light was little balls. It is time to ask if a different theory might fit the data better. It is apparent that something fundamental is wrong with the way we understand the aging human being. This is not surprising. After all, this is the first time in human history when so many people are doing it successfully. Someone might have predicted that we would be presented with a new reality.
What happens when someone attempts to really understand new phenomena in a world full of people who demand that the phenomena cannot occur? Do people respond favorably? Are they grateful? One way to attempt to answer that is to look at history. How did the world react in the past when someone challenged what everyone “knew?” Let's see how the world reacted after the telescope was invented. At the time everyone knew that the heavenly bodies (sun, moon, planets, etc) revolved around the earth. Galileo, a respected teacher, got a telescope. He used his new toy to look at the planet Jupiter. He saw small dots that circled slowly around it. Those little dots looked like moons of Jupiter. Those moons didn't revolve around the earth. But everyone “knew” that the heavenly bodies rotated only around the earth. If these moons didn't rotate around the earth, maybe nothing did.. Galileo suggested that the planets rotated around the sun. A lot of academic people were interested, especially when calculations were able, for the first time, to predict the motion of the planets. Most people didn't know or care. The Catholic Church did care. It had staked its credibility on the statement that the sun rotated around the earth..The Church forced Galileo to officially deny the possibility that the earth might be in orbit around the sun, even though many priests agreed with him.
Let's compare today with the world Galileo knew. We certainly have powerful forces which are not interested in progress. These are individuals and companies that sell products and services needed by unhealthy people. For example, consider skin-care products. In my youth (I am 67 years old at this writing.) there probably were none for sale in the local food store. At most there might be one. People just didn't look for them. Today there is a huge variety of such products for sale. A typical food store is likely to include more than 30 products. They must sell. People must be looking for them. People must realize that there is something wrong with their skin. This must be profitable to businesses connected with skin care. If everyone's skin were healthy and happy, I suspect the skin-care business would be less profitable. Consider the extreme case. Suppose it were possible to produce a skin-care product that actually damaged the skin while making a customer feel briefly better. Such a product would insure that skin-care products would remain profitable. This leads to the uncomfortable question whether the typical skin-care product does more harm than good.
It also suggests that there is a big market for the skin-care product that actually helps. Suppose someone invented a lotion that immediately helped everyone's skin become healthy. I suspect this industry would do what it could to prevent people from using it. We hope that, eventually, the better product does win, although there is likely to be a struggle. The better product does have one advantage: it works.
We do have one advantage in this situation. We ourselves are the experimental laboratory. We can test any answer we want to. If we are right, we cure ourselves of the chronic problems. Note that practicing medicine regards these problems as incurable. It says that, we must cope with them. Medicine, of course is a business that requires sick people who need help. Without the sick people, how could the doctor pay the rent?
Do we find a similar situation today? I am reminded of a recent case in which Dr. Hamer, the founder of German New Medicine, lost his medical license to practice in Germany and France. The charge recorded by the German court was that he was curing more than 90% of the people who came to him with cancer. The court decided he was not using standard methods. The court took away his right to practice medicine in France and Germany. He now practices in Spain. His ideas are on the Internet,, and doctors all over the globe are adopting his methods. They do it quietly though. They don't want to upset the present-day “church”, the medical accrediting agencies.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Become Your Body's Servant and You Will Heal
As you age, health problems occur. I don't know what your problems are, but I expect you will have them. Suppose you recognize that a problem exists. You will probably ask the question: “What is wrong here?” Most likely your answer is, “I don't know. I must go to a doctor and get tested.” That was my answer for many years. However, the answer, “I don't know” is absurd. Your body must know. The body contains the problem. The statement that you do not know is equivalent to the statement that you are not your body. That makes no sense at all. If you are not your body, then who are you?
Every religion postulates that you are a mortal body and an immortal soul. These religions argue about what to call these parts, but they basically agree that that you have both. Let us assume that, for all their disagreements, the religions are right about this.
Obviously, the body is the mortal part. It is the body that is born; it is the body that dies. Let's say the immortal part is the spirit. I suggest that the body, your mortal part, plays the role of a servant. It works with your spirit to accomplish your goals and to produce and educate your children. Do you doubt that this is true? Consider, for example, the extensive research that shows that the brain – a part of the body - remakes itself, based on the changing needs of the individual. This is consistent with the hypothesis that the body's role is to to do whatever it can to ensure that the spirit overcomes his/her difficulties and achieves his/her goals.
The human, evolving over millions of years, has always lived a precarious existence. We think of early humans as hunters. Perhaps, while this is true, it was more true that the human was “the hunted.” The great problem we faced was how to ensure our survival. The primary role of each woman was to produce children and bring them to reproductive age. Each man was there to support the woman. It is only in very recent history that it has become possible to predict a typical lifetime of more than 50 years. Such a short time in our long history has little impact on how a human works.
Evolution did not design the human body to solve the chronic problems of the elderly. As far as evolution is concerned, 60-year old people don't exist. For one thing, they don't (usually) reproduce. Perhaps you have decided I have a prejudice against the elderly. Perhaps I do. However, I write this at the age of 67. I enjoy this age hugely. I wish for you the happiness I feel being 67 years old. After all these years, I am finally discovering youth! Consider the problem: how to achieve youth at an advanced age. As a physicist, I like good problems. They bring out my creative spark.
The body is the servant, and the spirit is the master. I bet, as the reader, you are accusing me of oversimplifying. Yes! You are right! I want to define this problem in all its gory details. Once I understand it, I can use my own spirit's creativity to go beyond it. Let's analyze this problem to death. Follow this oversimplification to its bitter end. As you age, the body slows down, becomes weaker, and becomes less able to help you. The servant grows weaker. Servants don't ask for help, and masters wouldn't listen if they asked. Eventually the servants die. As far as evolution is concerned, that is fine.
However, our situation is different today. The world is now dominated by humans. How many youthful mistakes can our world survive? There are more humans here now than there have ever been before. More and more, human wisdom (or lack of it) will define our present world. Not only that, our world is changing more and more rapidly. Changes that used to take 500 years, now require only a couple months. Above all else, we now need wisdom. Perhaps healthy survival to an advanced age is the only way we can become wise enough to fulfill the role our world now demands. Above all, we must stay smart as we age.
In other words, evolution designed the body to be a servant. Its job is to respond. It expects to be asked to do whatever is necessary to ensure that the spirit survives to reproduce and achieve its goals. If the body is a servant then there must be a master. The master makes the demands. Let's say that the spirit is the master. In the language of computers, the body is the server,and the spirit is the client. As a software engineer, I am familiar with the client and the server roles.
Perhaps, if we accept that the body normally acts like a servant, we can better understand why it can't blithely explain to the spirit all the medical details of its health issues. For one thing, the body doesn't use words. Only the spirit knows the dictionary. It becomes easier to understand what happens when the spirit asks the question, “What is wrong?” The body, which knows the answer, has no way to express it. Therefore the spirit answers, “I don't know.”
The body, the servant, responds to the master, the spirit The body does not make demands; it is only the servant. Look at this from the computer perspective. I use Google a lot. When I ask Google to search for the word, “penicillin,” I am the client. I define the subject of the search. The server is the computer that answers my question, and spits out the list of references. The server cannot define the subject of the search. Only the client can.
Your body is the server. The server can only respond. It cannot initiate. The server does not define the issue. But when the body contains a problem, how can it tell the spirit about it? It is not designed to do that. Furthermore, the spirit, the client, is not designed to listen. If the body started to demand attention, is your spirit willing to listen to it? Your spirit uses language. The body can't. Your spirit demands understanding and analysis. That makes no sense to the body. It is ruled by its habits.
Perhaps we can create a solution. If the body has a chronic ailment, it may need the analysis and understanding of the spirit to help it return to health. The body can't use computers, but your spirit can. Your body is not creative. It is defined by its habits. Your spirit is creative. With all of the advantages your spirit has, don't you think your spirit could help the body to solve its problem? In other words, this situation demands that the spirit and the body occasionally reverse your usual master / servant relationship. In order to solve the chronic problems of aging, the body must become the master and the spirit must become the servant. The body presents the problem and makes suggestions. Then the creative ability of the spirit becomes the server. The spirit understands and invents novel ways to solve the problem.
People aren't used to this. However, there are many well-known methods that help. Here are a few:
1 If your body communicates with dreams, a good intuitive analysis might interpret its request.
2 Yoga can provide a nonverbal communication that solves problems without words.
3 Many physical activities do this: walking, sports, dancing, music, and creative art, for example.
4 Muscle testing (applied kinesiology) provides a way to determine what the body's reaction to a proposal is. Suppose the spirit suggests a way to improve the situation. How did your body respond to the idea? Test some muscles for strength. If you feel strong, your body approves.
5 Intuitive people can sometimes listen to your body even if you cannot.
6 Energy healing such as Reiki or Pranic Healing provide a way in which the spirit can actively assist in healing the underlying fields the body uses to define its emotions.
7 Meditation can provide the quiet that allows the body to communicate more freely.
In summary, there are many well-known ways people have always used to assist when they need to reverse the usual client / server roles. What works best for me may not be best for you. The experience my wife and I have had shows us that, as we gain experience in these reversed roles, both our spirits and our bodies get better at it. We also develop enough familiarity with the roles to trust we are right. Besides, we get stronger. Even our friends will admit that. They may find my ideas incomprehensible, but they must admit they work.
Our experience has also provided us with novel methods of our own, which we will present in later chapters. Your spirit will create your own methods.