Monday, July 7, 2008

Learning From Failure: A Story

Last Sunday I was very disappointed in my tennis. After coming home I questioned why I played so poorly. The answers led to a fascinating story. It starts with my "sugar problem" as a child. It continues with my realization four years ago that I have been diabetic since age eight. It then continues with my apparently successful attempt to cure this condition. Finally it ends with my realization that I hadn't cured it at all. Although my situation was better, the organisms that had caused the problem were still there. The internal politics of my body had me fooled. Apparently I am still - or was this morning - a diabetic. I am beginning to believe the wise man who said, "If you want to learn, look at your failures."

The situation provides a perfect opportunity for the combined use of symbols and frequencies. It also provides an opportunity for an experiment. If I am right, I can use frequencies and symbols to cure the diabetes. If so the result will show up in my improved ability to play tennis. My weakness Sunday morning was incompatible with my goal to play competitive tennis. That weakness was due to incompetent handling of insulin.

I want to create a symbol that requires correct digestion with no compromises. That will include the correct management of insulin. The parasites have shown they are not competant to do that. That should close the sneaky backdoor they used 4 years ago. Of course, four years ago, I had no idea symbols could be used in this context.

A Closer Look At Frequencies and Symbols

About the Symbols

In creating this video, I realized that the symbols I am using have been used before. I enjoyed the website,

which discusses the importance of the same circles, equilateral triangles, hexagons, etc, that I use in my symbols. This author finds them in the street design of Washington, DC, in crop circles, on the back of the 1$ bill, in the history of the Freemasons and the Scottish Rite order, and in the Egyptian pyramids. I especially enjoyed the article in Science News that discussed the geometric patterns found in present-day crop circles:

While these references don't explain anything they put me in good company.

I am confronted with the fact that I keep healing, despite my age, and despite "incurable" diseases. How can I explain my own success?

In this video I explain that the symbols provide a way in which a person can take leadership of this almost unmanageable community: their body. When the individual spends time with the symbol, he/she is defining what is right and important for that body. The activity is really leadership. Defining the body's highest priority is essential to any healing, since real healing always involves conflict. Healing requires that the body displace active communities of organisms (viruses, bacteria, one-celled animals, roundworms, etc). These communities are alive. They do not wish to be displaced and will attempt to influence the body to allow them to remain. The presence of the organisms is evidence that the body has made a compromise with its health. The symbols provide a final, "This is right. There cannot be any compromise here."

Please heed this warning: symbols operate BELOW consciousness. This geometry is the private business of the body. Your consciousness is only providing a service. It locates the visible picture of the geometrical figure. Then it offers the activity of your eyes as they wander over the symbol to help the body. Your consciousness cannot do more. Only the body can finish the job. Please do NOT attempt to analyze, understand, control or intellectualize this activity. If you do this, you will render it trivial and useless. Simply allow the body to decide what to look at, and what colors, if any, to apply. That is all. Give it the time required. It is easy. Please allow it to be easy.

The pictures must be correctly drawn. If your picture is slightly off, it may not work. The healthier I get, the more I demand accurate drawings. That may be good news for you if you are a beginner. At first a little sloppiness wasn't a problem.

One way I can tell that I still have work to do is if I stubbornly continue to see an error in the symbol that actually isn't there. Apparently I am creating the illusion of an error to satisfy the body's own need for the distortion. I notice that my body demands a particular defective geometry. In this case I will continue to work with this symbol until I can see it correctly.

About the Frequencies

I explain in the video that the body will provide a frequency for each organism that it wishes to shut down. Such matters generally are handled privately. The situation is similar to one in which an organization has decided to fire someone. Such activities are best handled with discretion. However, the frequency is public. The frequency orders the organism to shut down. The organism loses all privacy. Notice that the order cannot be enforced if the body really needs the organism. The organism may propose compromises to allow it to stay active. If the body designs your activity well, the symbol will define the right-wrong and priorities so the frequencies will leave the organisms without any compromise. They will have no choice, and they will shut down.